by: Georgina Clatworthy
Every business needs a web hosting solution to fit its particular needs.
A business website owner has to consider both the elements involved in
maintaining a basic website structure and those more complicated
elements required for doing business online. Examples of elements
include email newsletters and e-commerce stores. Additionally, business
owners have to consider how much daily Internet traffic they are getting
to their sites, assess security risks and how much processing power and
memory are necessary for the site to function.
Why Is Business Web Hosting Necessary?
Business web hosting gives businesses a place to operate as they grow
and work to better reach their target markets. Two types of web hosting
that businesses tend to use are shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
Shared hosting, more common than dedicated hosting, involves one server
being split into multiple accounts. Each account has a user, and the
user utilizes the portion of resources, such as processing power and
memory, allotted to the site he or she maintains.
Shared Hosting and Dedicated Hosting Have Different Benefits
The most obvious difference between these two business web hosting
options is cost. Shared hosting is cheaper, not only because one
server’s costs are split among many accounts, but also because when
maintenance or repair is needed, the costs of that are also split.
Maintenance and repair can be costly, and the fact that the onus is not
entirely on any one person can mean huge savings for those utilizing
shared hosting. However, dedicated hosting can be preferable for larger
business, because such an option provides more space for expansion, more
memory and less interference when customers who are visiting the site.
Shared hosting is a good solution for smaller business with fewer
resources, while dedicated hosting can be optimal for larger companies.
However, once a small business grows enough, it can migrate its site
from shared hosting to dedicated hosting in order to ensure that the
server being used can accommodate a business with a larger number of web
pages, emails and other data.